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Covid Policy

Edmonds Warriors Junior Football will adhere to the requirements and guidance of the Washington State Department of Health.  The current guidance is that masks are not required for outdoor training and competition.  The latest information/update was provided on July 2nd, 2021.


Washington State Department of Health provided an update on 7/2/21 regarding face coverings for sports and fitness. Here is a summary of those changes: 


Outdoor Sports: 

  • Masks are no longer required outdoors and are not required to wear while engaged in outdoor training or competition in any type of sport    


Indoor Sports: 

  • All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, must continue to wear masks indoors in K-12 schools, which means all coaches and athletes must wear a mask to and from their school setting and can remove it as mentioned above and below, but should replace it again when returning to their cars or no longer in a competitive situation when indoors. 

  • All athletes, including unvaccinated people, are NOT required to wear face coverings while engaged in indoor training or competition for low and moderate contact sports (Cheer, Dance, Physical Training, Swim & Dive, Tennis and Volleyball). Basketball and Wrestling are still considered high contact sports. 

  • All athletes/coaches should resume wearing face coverings when not actively training or competing 

  • Unvaccinated athletes still must wear face coverings indoors for high contact sports (basketball & wrestling) and in all indoor settings where children are/may be present (any youth camp you may be holding) 

Here's what hasn't changed: 

  1. No handshakes and/or high fives when scrimmaging/competing against other teams before or after games 

  2. Maintain physical distance, except when physical distance is unfeasible during competition 

  3. No team huddles 

  4. Still not using locker rooms 

  5. Coaches, trainers, and other team personnel should maintain physical distancing at all times and wear face coverings indoors unless fully vaccinated. 

  6. Keep doors open when using indoor spaces, especially weight rooms 

  7. Maintain physical distance in weight rooms and wipe down all equipment between users 

  8. Need to continue with hand hygiene, cleaning equipment etc. 

  9. Report any positive cases to your program/school covid coordinator ASAP 

Note:  A person is fully vaccinated two weeks after they have received a second dose in a two-dose series (Pfizer or Moderna) or two weeks after they have received a single dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson/Janssen). 

Vaccination status of members or athletes may be verified using an honor system, by engaging with members or athletes to ask about vaccination status, by requiring proof of vaccination status, or by maintaining practices appropriate for unvaccinated persons.  Verification of vaccination status is not a violation of HIPAA.   

© 2024 by Edmonds Warriors Junior Football and Cheer


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